Elenco delle politiche attive

Nome Tipo Consenso dell'utente
General Conditions Politiche del sito Utenti autenticati


This document is the General Conditions of the IED Campus which, once accepted, the user declares that they fully accept the conditions established therein and undertake to observe and comply with it.

Testo della politica

CAMPUS IED campus.ied.edu


1. Acceptance of use of the website
2. Use of the website and its contents
3. Liability of use of the website and its contents
4. Unilateral modification
5. Hyperlinks
6. Guarantee and liability disclaimer
7. Duration
8. Intellectual property
9. Privacy Policy
10. Legal Notice


Istituto Europeo di Design SL is the creator of the https://innoteclab.ied.edu website and owner of all the intellectual property rights of the website and the digital products and services offered through it whose usage has been licensed to IED Istituto Europeo di Design S.p.a. that is the provider to endusers of such a website. For the pertinent purposes, Istituto Europeo Di Design SL is a company which has been duly incorporated and registered in Spain, with address in Barcelona, at calle Biada 11, and tax code: B-80813959 and IED S.p.A. is a company which has been duly incorporated and registered in Italia, with registered offices in Milan, at Via Bezzecca 5 and tax code 06525850969. Hereinafter they will be referred to as IED SL and IED. By accessing and/or using the IED products and services contained in the https://innoteclab.ied.edu website you become a user, thus accepting without reservation, from that very moment, the following General Terms and Conditions as well as those which, as applicable, may supplement, modify or replace the General Terms and Conditions in relation to certain services and products contained in the https://innoteclab.ied.edu website. Access and/or use of some products and services will require the user to provide a series of personal data, or to take out a user licence, which will allow him/her access to the corresponding product or service by means of a username and password.
Users should carefully read this legal information on each one of the occasions on which they intend to use the https://innoteclab.ied.edu website as it is subject to modifications. Similarly, use of the https://innoteclab.ied.edu website is equally subject to all the warnings, regulations, instructions and user notifications by IED which may replace, supplement and/or modify the legal information contained herein.


The user undertakes to use the https://innoteclab.ied.edu website and its contents in compliance with current law, good faith, generally accepted use and public order. Likewise, use of the website for illicit or harmful purposes against IED or any third party, or use which may in any way harm or prevent the correct functioning of the website is forbidden. With regard to contents (information, texts, graphics, image files, photographs, designs etc.), the following is strictly prohibited:

● Reproduction, distribution or modification of the contents without authorisation from their legitimate owners or unless legally permitted.
● Deletion, manipulation or any other type of alteration of the Copyright and other identifying data of the rights of IED or of its owners, the digital fingerprints or any other technical means established for Copyright recognition.
● Any breach of the rights of IED and the legitimate owners.
● Use for any commercial or advertising purposes other than those expressly permitted.

The user shall abstain from obtaining contents from the https://innoteclab.ied.edu website by any means other than those made available to users as well as those commonly used on the Internet, provided they do not cause any harm to the IED website.


Use of the website will be conducted under the sole and exclusive liability of the user. Without prejudice to the above, IED reserves the right to deny access to the website, at any time and without the need for prior warning, to any users who breach these general terms and conditions, or the specific conditions applicable in each case.


IED may unilaterally modify, without prior notice, whenever it considers it appropriate, the structure and design of the website. It may also modify or remove the services, contents and conditions of access and/or use of the https://innoteclab.ied.edu website.


5.1. The persons or entities that create a hyperlink from a website of another Internet portal to any one of the pages of the IED website, https://innoteclab.ied.edu, will be subject to the following conditions:

● Total or partial reproduction of any of the services or content of the IED website, https://innoteclab.ied.edu, is prohibited.
● Deep-links, IMG or image links, and frames with the IED website, https://innoteclab.ied.edu, are prohibited without prior express written authorisation from IED.
● No false, inaccurate or incorrect statement may be included about the pages of the IED website, https://innoteclab.ied.edu, or the services and content contained therein.
● Except for those signs which form part of the "hyperlink", the website which includes the hyperlink must not contain any trademark, trade name, trade sign, name, logo, slogan or other distinguishing signs belonging to IED without its express authorisation.
● Establishing the "hyperlink" will not imply the existence of any relationship between IED and the owner of the website or portal containing the hyperlink, or knowledge and acceptance by IED of the services and contents offered in the aforementioned portal.
● IED will not be liable for any content or services made available to the public on the website or portal containing the "hyperlink", or for the information or statements included therein.
● Any "hyperlink" to the IED website, https://innoteclab.ied.edu, must be made to its main page or to the main pages of the sections which it contains.


6.1. IED assumes no liability, either indirectly or subsidiarily, for damages of any type which may result from access, maintenance, use, quality, legality, reliability and usefulness of the contents, information, publications, opinions, statements, products and services existing or offered on websites not managed by IED which may be accessed through the https://innoteclab.ied.edu website:

● Lack of availability, maintenance and effective functioning of the website and/or its services or contents.
● Lack of usefulness, suitability or validity of the website and/or its services or contents to meet the needs, activities or specific results or expectations of the users.
● Existence of viruses or malicious or harmful software in the contents.
● Receipt, obtaining, storage, dissemination or transfer of contents by the users.
● Illicit, negligent or fraudulent use contrary to these General Terms and Conditions, good faith, generally accepted use or public order of the website, its services or contents by the user.
● Lack of legality, quality, accuracy, usefulness and availability of the services provided by third parties and made available to the user on the website.
● Breach by third parties of their obligations and commitments with regard to the services provided to users through the website.

6.2. IED provides the content of its products and services "as is", with no guarantees of any type. Neither IED nor its information providers give any guarantee with regard to the accuracy or integrity of the content or the results to be obtained from using the information contained in the products and services which the user accesses. Nor will it be liable for possible errors, omissions or other inaccuracies in the information contained in the website.
6.3. The material contained in the products and services offered through the IED portal is provided simply for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as advice or instructions of any type.


The duration of the provision of the website service and the services therein is indefinite. Notwithstanding the above, IED reserves the right to interrupt, suspend or terminate provision of the service of the https://innoteclab.ied.edu website or of any of the services contained therein under the same terms as shown in condition four.


8.1. Copyright:
This website and its links contain works and services protected by law and international treaties on intellectual property. Any unauthorised use with regard to all or part of the aforementioned works or services may constitute a breach of the above provisions, as well as an offence punishable in accordance with articles 171 et seq. of Law n. 633/1941 as well as any other applicable provision of Italian Criminal Code.
The fixation, reproduction, distribution, public communication, disclosure to the public and transformation of all or part of the works or services contained in this website, as well as any other act of exploitation with regard to said works and services, without prior express written permission from the respective owners of the rights is strictly forbidden unless otherwise established herein or in the text of the website.
For the above purposes, fixation or reproduction, as the case may be, is understood as the making of copies by the user of all or part of the works or services contained in the website. For the purposes of preserving any possible copyright, should any user or third party consider his/her legal rights have been breached due to the introduction of a certain type of content in the https://innoteclab.ied.edu website, he/she should notify IED indicating:

● Personal data of the owner of the allegedly breached rights. Should the action be taken by any third party other than the interested party, he/she must indicate in which capacity he/she is acting.
● Definition of the content protected by copyright and its location on the website.
● Supporting documentation of the aforementioned copyright.
● Express declaration in which the interested party takes responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided in the notification.

Similarly, IED reserves the right to require respect for the integrity of the website and prevent any deformation, modification, alteration or interference with the website which may harm its legitimate interests or damage its reputation.

8.2. Industrial property
All trademarks, trade names or distinguishing signs of any type which appear on the website are the property of IED or of third parties, without this being understood to imply that use or access to the portal grants the user any right over the aforementioned trademarks, trade names and/or distinguishing signs. Their use without prior express written permission from the corresponding owner is strictly prohibited. Any breach of the Property Rights of IED or of third parties will lead to civil and, as the case may be, criminal action in accordance with international laws and treaties in force.
Third parties are exclusively liable for the legitimacy of the intellectual property rights corresponding to any content which they may provide.


For the purposes of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the EU Parliament and of the Council named General Data Protectin Regulation (GDPR) , on Personal Data Protection, IED Istituto Europeo Di Design S.p.A. informs the user of the existence of an automated personal data file with the name "STUDENTS AND FORMER STUDENTS", which includes data relating to students of the company for the purposes of administrative management of academic files, course applications, training, information and processing of scholarships and grants and workshops.

Sending and registration of personal data
The sending of personal data is mandatory for contacting and for receiving the education, management, monitoring and organisation services provided by IED Istituto Europeo Di Design, S.p.A. Similarly, failure to provide the personal data requested, or failure to accept this data protection policy, will make it impossible to subscribe, register or receive the username and password required to receive the education service. In accordance with the provisions of GDPR, we hereby inform you that the personal data obtained as a consequence of you sending personal data will be included in a file owned by IED Istituto Europeo Di Design, S.p.A. a company which has been duly incorporated and registered in Italia, with registered offices in Milan, at Via Bezzecca 5 and tax code 06525850969, which has implemented all of the security measures established in accordance with GDPR Sections 24 and 25.

Accuracy and veracity of the data provided
Any User who sends information to IED Istituto Europeo Di Design S.p.A. is solely responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the data included, holding Istituto Europeo Di Design harmless from any liability in this regard. At any event, users guarantee and are liable for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided and undertake to keep said data up-to-date. The user agrees to provide complex and correct information in the registration or subscription form.
IED Istituto Europeo Di Design, S.p.A. is not liable for the accuracy of any information which it did not compile or which is cited from another source, and it therefore assumes no liability with regard to possible damages resulting from the use of said information. IED Istituto Europeo Di Design, S.p.A. is held harmless from liability for any damages which the user may suffer as a consequence of errors, defects or omissions in the information provided by IED Istituto Europeo Di Design, S.p.A. providing it comes from sources other than IED Istituto Europeo Di Design, S.p.A.

The data collected and processed for the purposes referred above will be kept for the time necessary to satisfy the legal obligations connected to the usage of the https://innoteclab.ied.edu website by the User. The legal basis of the processing for such a purpose is accomplishment of the civil obligations of managing the service required by the User.

The processing activities referred to in this Privacy Policy will be performed manually (for example, on paper) and / or through automated tools (for example, using electronic procedures and support) and in any case in compliance with the current regulations. Within IED, your personal data will be processed exclusively by IED employees. These employees have been appointed as Data Processors and have received appropriate operating instructions. In addition to IED employees, some processing activities of your personal data may also be carried out by third parties to whom IED entrusts certain activities (or parts thereof) functional to the provision of the aforementioned services. In this case the same subjects will operate as independent Data Controllers or will be designated as Data Processors or persons in charge for processing. The Data processors or persons in charge of processing designated will receive proper operating instructions, with particular reference to the adoption of adequate security measures, in order to guarantee the confidentiality and security of the data.

The Data Controller is IED Istituto Europeo di Design S.p.A., with registered office in Milan, via Bezzecca n. 5. The Data protection officer is Ecoconsult s.r.l., via Goldoni 1 - Milan. In relation to the processing of your data, you may contact the Data Controller to exercise your rights pursuant to articles 15 to 22 of the EU Regulation. Complaint to the competent authority The Data Subject can lodge a complaint to the competent Authority: Italian Data Protection Authority, Piazza di Monte Citorio n. 121 00186 ROME, Fax: (+39) 06.69677.3785, Telephone exchange: (+39) 06.696771, E-mail: garante@gpdp.it

Assignment of data to third parties
IED Istituto Europeo Di Design, S.p.A. will not assign personal data to third parties unless required or necessary by the subscribed service itself. The information will only be used to fulfil the purposes of access and, as the case may be, to inform you of our latest news for which you have previously provided consent.

Exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and objection
The user declares that he/she has been informed of the conditions regarding personal data protection, as well as about Users rights referred to in sections from 15 to 22 of the GDPR, and accepts and agrees to the processing of said data by IED Istituto Europeo Di Design, S.p.A. in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this Personal Data Protection Policy.

Changes in this privacy policy
IED Istituto Europeo Di Design S.p.a. reserves the right to modify this policy in order to adapt it to new legislation or case law, as well as to industry practices. In these cases, IED Istituto Europeo Di Design S.p.A. will announce on the website the changes to be made sufficiently in advance of their implementation.


This legal notice (hereinafter, the "Legal Notice") regulates the use of the https://innoteclab.ied.edu website (hereinafter, the "Website") of IED Istituto Europeo dI Design, S.p.A., with tax code 06525850969, and address at Via Bezzecca 5, 20135, Milan.

Relations between IED and the users of its electronic services on this website are subject to Italian legislation and jurisdiction.
The Courts of Milano shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute arising out of or in connection with these General Terms and Conditions, their interpretation, performance, termination, with express exclusion of any further jurisdiction.

Use and access for users
Users are hereby informed, and accept, that access to this website in no way implies commencement of a commercial relationship with IED Istituto Europeo di Design or any of its regional offices.